Nort Johnson
Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism
503 Wilson Avenue
Faribault, MN 55021
Faribault Downtown Micro Grant Program Announced
Start-ups, Expansions, and Improvements in Downtown Faribault
Faribault, MN; The Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Faribault Economic Development Authority is excited to announce the Downtown Micro Grant program. This program is open to both new and existing businesses in the Historic District. Awards range from $500 to $5000. Applications are available online and at the Chamber of Commerce. Submissions will be accepted until August 31st, 2023.
The Downtown Micro Grant program is administered by the Chamber’s Main Street Committee. An important aspect of the application process is business counseling/coaching through the Small Business Development Center free of charge. Awards are given based on the merit of the final plans. In the past 3 years, 21 businesses have received Micro Grants, placing nearly $125,000 into business improvements in Downtown Faribault.
The Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce and Tourism’s Main Street Committee is thrilled to offer this opportunity. Chamber President/CEO, Nort Johnson notes, “We’re excited to see how many more business models we can help support the idea of being part of our fabulous downtown.”
Preliminary business ideas must be submitted by August 31, 2023, to be considered. Go to the Faribault Main Street Facebook page, or phone the office at 507.334.4381 for more information.
About Faribault Main Street
The Faribault Main Street Committee is a community-based effort to revitalize Faribault’s Historic Business District. It is funded by the Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce and by the City of Faribault Economic Development Authority.
About the Faribault Economic Development Authority
The Community Vision 2040 provides a framework to help ensure the success of the community. Thriving economic development and a vibrant downtown are two of the strategic priorities identified in the vision – with specific goals of developing a comprehensive business incentive package to attract, retain and grow quality businesses and industries. The EDA actively promotes development opportunities in the city and continues to administer loans and grant programs that will enhance the overall economic vitality of the City of Faribault.
The Faribault Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism serves nearly 400 area businesses with over 10,000 employees through advocacy, promotion, networking, celebration and strategically organizing resources to move Faribault toward our 2040 Community Vision.

Faribault Main Street Downtown Micro Grant